Huygens deconvolved image on cover Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. private

Friday 09 of August, 2013
A collaboration between the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School has led to a beautiful cover of the August issue of Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. The cover and accompanying paper, created by the authors J-P. Vilardaga, T.J. Gardella, V.L. Wehbi, and T.N. Feinstein, shows a Huygens deconvolved live early endosome. Click on this link to view the full cover.

Dr. Timothy Feinstein (Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA) provided us detailed information:
The image is of an early endosome labeled with PTHR-GFP (green), Vps29-YFP (blue) and beta-arrestin 1-dTomato (red), captured using a Nikon A1s spectral confocal at the Nyquist limit, based on the SVI Nyquist calculator, and deconvolved using Huygens Professional. The presentation is a reconstruction of the Huygens output that was alpha blended in Elements AR. Columns represent rotations of the endosome around the vertical axis and rows represent different combinations of color to show colocalization (red/green and blue/green) and lack of colocalization (red/blue).

See Trends in Pharmacological Sciences August issue for the paper.
