
Huygens benchmark

To perform a benchmark on Huygens software please download and save the following script:

In Huygens Professional you can start the script via File->Source Tcl script and then opening the downloaded file. This will immediately start the benchmark.

When using Huygens Core, change directory (-+cd+-) to the directory where you placed bench.tcl. For example if the files are saved on the desktop of a user named "John", type in the prompt:
cd /home/john/Desktop

Then type:
source bench.tcl

Depending on the speed of your computer this may take several minutes,
when the test run is finished, you'll see a report like the one below:

--- Huygens benchmark results on mcrp image -----------
--- Benchmark 2.2, Huygens Compute engine 15.05.0p2
512*512*64 fft:      0.229
560*480*70 fft:      0.173
PSF generation:      2.027
CMLE auto padding:   33.56
QMLE auto padding:   39.25
Weighted score:      3.15

Machine comparisons

A more elaborate review of benchmarks of Huygens software can be found at Benchmark results.