
Latest News

2024 BINA Homepage
SVI joins the BINA 2024 Community Congress
Check out our talk and poster on Image Quality Control at this congress in Wisconsin-Madison from Sept 23-27.
More info

2024 SIB2conference NewsHomepage
Talk to us at SBI2 in Boston between Sept. 18-20th
SVI will be present in person at the 11th annual conference of The Society of Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics.
More info

Huygens Workshop at Harvard Medical School on Sept 17th"
Learn all there is to know about obtaining reliable images and analysis results from all your microscopy data. Register here

2024 SMLMSconference NewsHomepage
Localizer poster presented at SMLMS2024 from August 28-30th"
Visit our poster in Lisbon & Oeiras (Portugal) about our complete smlm analysis solution: Huygens Localizer! More info

2024 6 WebinarQC Homepage2
Webinar July 2nd: "NEW Image Quality Control option"
Are you sure your image is free of acquisition artifacts? Join this webinar and see the brand-new Image Quality Control option in action.
Register here

FENS Website
SVI at FENS 2024 in Vienna June 25+26
Look out for these two T-shirts on the shoulders of Wouter en Nicolaas, if you like to have a chat at FENS2024 about Huygens, the new QC option, and how to analyse your 2D-3D neuronal image data.

Screenshot From 2024 05 24 16 18 00
Webinar May 28th: "WhatsNew in Huygens 24.04"
Curious to see the 24.04 highlights, including the new Object Analyzer interface, batch feeder features, and QC option? Join this webinar!
Register here

Website News Image
Image QC tool presented at ELMI2024
Visit our booth and Join our workshops about the new Image Quality Control tool and Object Analyzer at ELMI2024.
More information

News Archive

Homepage Website
Huygens Workshops in Bethesda, Philadelphia and NYC between March 25-27
Attend one of our Huygens Workshops at NIAID-NIH, Wistar Institute, or Rockefeller. Contact the facility or email us.
Click here for more info

Banner Workshop2024 Website Homepage
Online Huygens Workshop for Experts"
Joins us on April 16+17, from 8:00-12:00 EDT New York, 14:00-18:00 CEST Amsterdam for this free virtual training event.
Click here to register now

SVI at FOM2024
Two of our developers (Steven and Kevin) will be at the FOM. If you like to meet them, let us know!

Homepage Website
Huygens Workshops in Bethesda, Philadelphia and NYC between March 25-27"
Attend one of our Huygens Workshops at NIAID-NIH, Wistar Institute, or Rockefeller. Contact the facility or email us.
Click here for more info

2024 NAMS SVI Website
SVI joins the NAMS meeting at NYU Langone Health
SVI will give a TechTalk about the upcoming Image Quality Control tool on March 28th at the NAMS meeting.
NAMS website

UKLMFM2024 Website
SVI at RMS UK Light Microscopy Facility Meeting 2024."
See our TechnoBite on high throughput and Convex Hull analysis, and have a chat with Mark and Vincent.
Register here

WP Coloc
Webinar Nov 7th: "WhatsNew in Huygens 23.10"
New tools for batch colocalization analysis, auto contrast, saving RAM and disk space, import segmentation info from machine learning software, etcetera.
Watch it here

ConvexHull Website
Webinar Oct 24th: Analyzing objects within other objects and object organization, using clusters and convex hull operations
Close/fill objects that are non-homogenously stained and cluster objects with the Object Analyzer.
Watch it here