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USA and Canada
Scientific Volume Imaging internal USA payment services.
Mechanics Bank 1889 W. March Lane Stockton, CA 95207 Phone: ++1 209 870 3214
bank-account information: contact usDeep Six Imaging - Toronto region, Canada
39A Jalan Pemimpin Singapore phone: +65 9668 4469 email: Dr. Jos de Lange: jos.de.lange@saneasia.com
Website: https://www.saneasia.com/China 惠更斯中文
Chansn Instrument
上海千欣仪器有限公司 上海 南宁路970号 万科中心B座701室 ROOM 701, BLOCK B, XUHUI VANKE CENTER, NO.970 NAN NING ROAD SHANGHAI 200235, CHINA Phone: 0086-21-64812211 Fax: 0086-21-64811648 Email: chansn@chansn.com
Website: https://www.chansn.com/Tim Winter Far East Limited (China)
7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Road Chaoyang District Beijing China Phone: +86-10- 65129207 Email: Tim, Liu Yi (Mr) (tim@hktimwinter.com)
Website: http://www.hktimwinter.com/Taipei 惠更斯繁體中文
Brytefield Photonics Division
Brytefield Co.,LTD. 221, 3rd Floor. No.5 Alley 2, Lane 342, Fude 1st Road Xizhi District, New Taipei City Email: george.wu@brytefield.com Tel: +886 2 86931333
Website: https://www.brytefield.comMajor Instruments Co., Ltd.

9fl. 69-3, Chung-Cheng E. Road Sec. 2, Tan-Shui 251 Taipei Phone : 02-2808-1452 Fax : 02-2808-2354 Email: ~Map Chen ( map@major.com.tw )
Website: http://www.major.com.twHong Kong and Macau
PTC International Ltd.
Unit 1712, Kodak House II 39 Healthy Street East North Point, Hong Kong Phone: +852 3103 7807 (direct contact: Ms. Law, Hoi Yan), +852 2827 9977 (General) Fax: +852 2519 6180 Email: Ms. Law, Hoi Yan (Law.HoiYan@ptc.com.hk)
Website: www.ptc.com.hk/products/life-scienceJapan Huygens 日本語
Solution Systems, Inc.

Head office 1-30-36 Surugadai Funabashi city Chiba , Japan Phone: +81-47-424-6308 Fax: +81-47-424-6327 Tokyo office 2F Mutoh Bldg. 2-25-1 Hongo Bunkyo ku Tokyo , Japan Phone: +81-3-5684-2863 Fax: +81-3-5803-4866 Email: Mr. Kazuo Yorimitsu ( yorimitsu@solution-systems.com )
Website: http://www.solution-systems.com/Digital Micro Systems Co., Ltd.

6 Higashioonocho Koyama Kitaku Kyoto, 603-8162 Japan 603-8162 京都市北区小山東大野町 6 Phone: +81-75-417-3311 Fax: +81-75-432-3116 Email: Mr. Tanida Toshikazu ( t_tanida@digitalmicrosystems.co.jp )
Website: http://www.digitalmicrosystems.co.jp/Korea
Magic Tree Ltd
MagicTree Ltd.
- F315, Misa Centum Biz,
45 Jojeong-daero Hanam-si, Gyeonggi Seoul Republic of Korea Phone: 82-2-355-5963 Email: siki96@magictree.kr
Website: http://www.magictree.krIndia
Cornell Scientific Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi : C-144, Varun Marg , C Block, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024, India, Tel : +91- 11- 4937 3600
Bangalore : World Trade Center, 22nd Floor, Brigade Gateway Campus, Malleswaram (W),Bangalore-560055 India Email ID : info@cornellsci.com Fax : +91-11-6617 3886 Phone : +91-9871579700
Website: http://www.cornellsci.comMalaysia
Hi-Tech Instruments Sdn. Bhd.
MALAYSIA, Puchong, Selangor (HQ) 19, Jalan BP 4/8, Bandar Bukit Puchong, 47120 Selangor, Malaysia. Phone: +603 - 8061 2228 Email: sales@htimail.com.my, service@htimail.com.my
Website: http://www.htiweb.com/