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Cell Biology

Images processed with Huygens in the field of Cell Biology

This STED image of COS-7, a fibroblast-like cell line derived from monkey kidney tissue, shows mitochondria marked by Tom20 staining, (green), and cytoskeletal protein tubulin color-coded for depth. The mitotic spindle is clearly visible in the center. This Leica SP8 STED 3X image was deconvolved with Huygens.

Dr. Daniela Malide, NIH - National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), United States.

A primary hepatocyte in 3D cell culture. After cytokine treatement, the primary hepatocytes undergo a process known as epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). The cell exhibits a mesenchymal morphology with actin stress fibers spanning the cell body. The actin cytoskeleton is visualized by phalloidin staining, DNA is stained with Hoechst33528. Confocal image was acquired with the Nikon A1R. Devonvolution is performed with Huygens Essential.

Dr. Marlies Mürnseer, Heidelberg University, Germany.

Image shows a tetranucleated cell with DNA stained with DAPI (in cyan), the microtubules labled with a-tubulin antibody (in red) and the centrosomes detected with y-tubulin antibody in green. The image was taken with a Zeiss Axioimager Z2 epifluorescence microscope, deconvolved with Huygens software, and rendered with Huygens Surface Renderer.

Dr. Claudia Florindo, CBME/FCT - Institute for Biotechnology & BioEngineering, University of Algarve, Portugal.

This image shows COS-7 a fibroblast-like cell line derived from monkey kidney tissue, with confocal imaging of cytoskeletal protein tubulin color coded for depth. Mitotic spindle clearly visible in the center. Images were taken with a Leica SP8 microscope and deconvolved with Huygens software.

Dr. Daniela Malide, NIH - National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), United States.

Mitochondrial dysfunction in senescent human fibroblasts. This Leica widefield image shows the mitochondrial network (mitotracker green), it's activity (TMRM, red) and cell nuclei (Hoechst, blue). The z stack was deconvolved in Huygens Essential and rendered using SFP. Individual cells can be seen to have varying levels of energy production (red intensity), as well as intracellular variation between individual mitochondrial networks.

Dr. Glyn Nelson, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.

Deconvolved confocal image of a cardiomyoycyte during regeneration. The acquisition is on the whole mount zebrafish heart so we can observe the sarcomera in all the cardiomyocyte (specific structure present in all the cardiomyocyte, leading to contraction of the heart. The sarcomera is the kind of lines that you can see in all the cells). The cardiomyocyte with atypical shape comes from a lineage tracing doing to identify these cells during the adulthood. This picture was adquired with a Zeiss 880 Confocal

Dr. Marcos Sande, Anatomisches Institut - Department of Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland.

Differentiated hepatocytes in 3D cell culture Primary hepatocytes in a 3D cell culture matrix. The cells are differentiated and maintain the organotypic polarized morphology and functionality. The actin cytoskeleton exhibits fine fibrils, supporting the bile-canaliculi which form at cell-cell interfaces. Confocal image was acquired with the Nikon A1R. Devonvolution is performed with Huygens Essential.

Dr. Marlies Mürnseer, Heidelberg University, Germany.

Yeast Cells

Yeast organelle transport. Huygens deconvolved confocal time series. Late-Golgi marker Sec7-DsRed, Early Golgi marker Cog1-GFP.

Prof. Benjamin S. Glick, MGCB, University of Chicago, United States.

Hela Cells

HeLa cells where treated with Nocodazole and Ice for 40 min, after which the Nocodazole was washed out, and cells where incubated with complete media at 37ºC for 5 min, fixed and processed for Immunofluorescence. It can be seen the beginning of renucleation of the microtubules (in red) from the centrosome (in yellow) due to incubation with complete (warm) media the after Nocodazole wash out. DNA was stained with DAPI (in blue), microtubules where detected with y-tubulin antibody (in red), and the centrosomes detected with a-tubulin antibody are shown in yellow due to co-localization of a-tub with y-tub at the centrosomes (the remaining y-tub is observed in green on the cell cytoplasm). Image was acquired in a Zeiss Axioimager Z2 epifluorescence microscope, deconvolved with Huygens software, and after it image was created using the MIP option from Huygens software.

Dr. Claudia Florindo, CBME/FCT - Institute for Biotechnology & BioEngineering, University of Algarve, Portugal.

HeLa cells (MIP) imaged with Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan system and deconvolved with the Huygens Array detector using the superXY mode. Cells are stained with anti-Ki67 and secondary-Alexa488 (magenta), Phallodin-TMR (White), and anti-alphaTubulin and secondary Abberior Star Red (shown in green). Image obtained with Zeiss Airyscan microscope.

Dr. Christoffer Lagerholm (Wolfson Imaging Centre, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

Hela cells with actin cytoskeleton labelled (Phalloidin, Abberior STAR Red). Imaged with Abberior Instruments’ STEDYCON and deconvolved with Huygens Professional.