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Genetics & Developmental Biology

Images processed with Huygens in the field of Genetics & Developmental Biology

Developing Drosophila egg-chambers that were depleted of ATP prior to fixation to lock microtubule binding proteins and their cargoes to the microtubules. An RNA binding molecule, EmGFP-Tm1-I is shown in magenta (direct fluorescence), the actin cytoskeleton is shown in green (labelled with phalloidin AF633).

Dr. Imre Gaspar, Developmental Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.

Image shows the remarkable complexity of the actin filament network in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (pMEF) null for the actin regulatory proteins Tm5NM1/2. Actin filaments are visualised by phalloidin. Confocal image (N.A1.4. 100x) was deconvolved and visualised with Huygens Professional.

Mr. Howard Vindin. Cellular & Genetic Medicine Unit, School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia.

The development of the inner ear: the cochlea. Within the cochlea, there is the sensory organ of hearing, the organ of Corti. During development, cells here differentiate into various kinds of supporting cells and into hair cells. The hair cells are the actual cells with which we hear, they transform the mechanical energy into electrical energy. Subsequently, the electrical pulses go to the brain(stem), so the hair cells need to develop all sorts of nervous innervation. A deparaffinised 5 um section of a human foetal cochlea with a gestational age of 15 weeks was stained with three different antibodies and DAPI. Microscope: confocal SP5. Deconvolution with Huygens.

Dr. Heiko Locher, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands.

A series of developing Drosophila oocytes (egg-chambers to be precise). A Z-stack of 116 optical sections was taken on a Leica SP8 Laser scanning confocal microscope with a 63x 1.4NA objective. Actin (in yellow) is stained with rhodamin phalloidin and the nuclear envelopes of the so -called nurse cells are labeled with autofluorescence of GFP-Tm1 (green). Huygens Remote Manager was used to deconcolve the raw image.

Dr. Imre Gaspar, Developmental Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.

This image shows two metaphase HeLa cells expressing Mito-DsRed2 (yellow; mitochondrial matrix marker) and LifeAct-GFP (cyan; filamentous actin marker). The cells were also labeled with Hoechst dye to visualize DNA. These live cells were imaged by spinning disk confocal microscopy and deconvolved in Huygens. This image is a maximum intensity projection.

Andy Moore, Holzbaur Lab, University of Pennsylvania, United States.

This image shows a fixed embryo of C. elegans at one cell stage (Metaphase). Chromosomes are in cyan and microtubules in yellow. This image corresponds to a 3D view of a Z-stack series (91 slices) acquired with a confocal microscope equipped with the last generation of highly sensitive detectors at 63X N.A. 1.3 . The series was deconvolved and visualized with Huygens Essential.

Mr François Prodon and François Jesus (from the laboratory of Pr. Monica Gotta), PHYM department, Medical School of Geneva, Switzerland.

The image shows a lateral view of the first spinal cord segments of a MCT8 morpholino knockdown 25hpf zebrafish embryo. Neurons were stained with an anti-acetylated beta-tubulin serum (red) and a pax7-antiserum (green). This epifluorescence image was acquired on a Zeiss Axioimager Z2. Huygens was used for deconvolution and 3D MIP rendering.

Dr. Claudia Florindo, CBME/FCT - Institute for Biotechnology & BioEngineering, University of Algarve, Portugal.

Huygens deconvolved and MIP rendered confocal image (Nikon; NA 0.45) of a tadpole intestine (Xenopus embryos) with nuclei in orange and muscle actin in cyan. The direction of the gut looping can be used as a readout for proper asymmetric organ development. Looping in the other direction is a sign of perturbed Nodal/Notch signaling.

Dr. Ulrike Engel, Nikon Imaging Center, BioQuant Institute, Heidelberg, Germany.

Multiciliated cells in Xenopus epidermis. Xenopus tropicalis stage 35 tailbud embryos were fixed and stained for acetylated tubulin which highlights cilia in the epidermis. The nuclear stain is Draq5. Images were acquired with a Nikon A1R confocal laser scanning microscope equipped with a 60x NA 1.4 objective. Stacks were deconvolved with Huygens Essential and subsequently rendered with the Huygens Surface Renderer.

Dr. Nicolas Dross and Ulrike Engel, Nikon Imaging Center, University of Heidelberg, Germany.