惠更斯 SFP 渲染 - 结果输出成发表用文件格式与视频
科学论文与做报告时的图像发表与视频输出,可以使用惠更斯的可视化与渲染功能逹到这个目的。惠更斯的渲染器 Simulated Fluorescence Process SFP renderer 是为展示显微镜三维图像而设计的,透过模拟荧光过程 Simulated Fluorescence Process (SFP) algorithm 的高级算法,模拟光由某一方向激发样本,而观看发射光的方法。 SFP 计算模拟方法能显示样本的深度、以 360 度观察样本,这个渲染功能的优点是无需进行三维分割,而且渲染过程容许显卡 GPU acceleration 支持,使展示速度增加。
图像描述 : Huygens SFP renderer window showing a mouse blastocysts acquired with a Leica Digital Light Sheet microscope, and deconvolved with Huygens using an appropriate Light Sheet PSF and the CMLE algorithm. Courtesy of Dr. Marc Duque Ramirez and Dr. Ritsuya Niwayama (Hiiragi group) and Dr. Stefan Terjung (ALMF) from the EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.
SFP 与三维分割渲染
三维分割可以加入在 SFP 渲染器中,目的是突出某一通道的信号。
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Simulated Fluorescence Process SFP 原理
SFP 立体渲染功能把信号强度看成荧光剂的分布,再模拟光从一个方向投射到样本上,实际阴影与倒影反射在一个模拟桌面的情况;接下来的模拟就是光由样本到观察者的眼睛的光,部分荧光被样本吸收,部分被反射,我们观察到的是实际应该表现的三维图像。
图像描述 : In the SFP Renderer excitation of and subsequent emission of light by fluorescent materials is simulated. Each subsequent voxel in the light beam is affected by shadowing from its predecessors. The transparency of the object for the emission light controls to what extent the viewer can peer inside the object.
图像描述 :
SFP renderings of mouse blastocysts showing the effect of the penetration depth parameter. The scene on the left has a low penetration depth, while the scene on the right has a high penetration depth.加入等值面 iso-surface
Image description An added isosurface layer over the right object. Courtesy of Dr. Marc Duque Ramirez and Dr. Ritsuya Niwayama (Hiiragi group) and Dr. Stefan Terjung (ALMF) from the EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.
图像描述 :
SFP rendering of a mouse blastocyst. In the image on the left, no cutting planes are used. In the middle image a single cutting plane is used with a plane normal roughly pointing towards the camera. In the right-hand image an additional cutting plane is used, with a plane normal pointing roughly upward. Image courtesy of Dr. Marc Duque Ramirez, Dr. Ritsuya Niwayama (Hiiragi group), and Dr. Stefan Terjung (ALMF) from the EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany.视频输出
惠更斯的每一个渲染器 (MIP, SFP & Surface renderer)容许用户快速输出视频,用户可以加选 Movie Maker 把各快速输出视频连编辑成更专业的视频。
视频描述 : Stitched and Fused light sheet image of a chicken embryo, rendered in the Huygens SFP renderer with an isosurface and moving cutting planes. Courtesy of Prof. Christophe Marcelle, Mrs. Marie Julie Dejardin (INMG) & Dr. Denis Ressnikoff (CIQLE), Université Lyon 1, France.