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Images processed with Huygens in the field of Immunology

7-color Cross section image of a Rhesus Macaque lymph node (about 2.0mm X 4.5mm in dimension) showing CD3 (blue), CD4(green), CD8(yellow), PD-1(white), CD20(red), CD56(magenta) and Ki67(cyan). Confocal fluorescent images were acquired using a Leica SP8 microscope (40X/1.30 oil lens) and deconvolved with Huygens software.

Weiming Yu Ph.D. Laboratory of Systems Biology, NIAID/NIH, United States.

Maximum intensity projection of a z-stack through a Drosophila macrophage imaged on a Leica TCS SP8X scanning confocal microscope. Nuclei are DAPI stained (cyan), alpha-tubulin was detected with a primary mouse DM1A antibody and a secondary anti-mouse antibody coupled to Alexa Fluor 488 (magenta (!)), actin was labelled with phalloidin coupled to Alexa Fluor 568 (green (!)). Deconvolution was done using Huygens Essential.

Dr. Eva Wegel, John Innes Centre, BioImaging, United Kingdom.

Image of a T lymphocyte crawling taken with a Leica SP8 g-STED. The image is deconvolved with Huygens and the final visual effect was obtained using the Huygens surface rendering tool. Blue shows labelled plasma membrane with a specific lipophilic dye, red represents the actin filaments, and yellow internal cytosolic vesicles.

Dr. Jorge Bernardino de la Serna, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

The image shows a depth coded maximum intensity projection of the lymphatic vessel network in the mouse ear tip. Lymphatic vessels were visualised by whole-mount immunofluorescence staining using an antibody against Podoplanin. A Leica SP8 confocal microscope (10x/0.4 objective) was used to acquire a tile scan of 4x2 tiles while covering the z volume of the whole dermal tissue of the ear tip. Huygens was used to deconvolve the image stack using CMLE and theoretical PSF.

Dr. Nina Daubel, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology (IGP), Uppsala University, Sweden.

T lymphocyte cells labelled with a lipid marker staining both the cell membrane and cellular comportments (yellow) and a SNAP Tag labelling a membrane protein (green). Confocal z-stack recorded on a Leica SP8 gSTED microscope and deconvolved using Huygens. Visualised using the Huygens surface renderer.

Dr. Jorge Bernardino de la Serna, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.