Not enough memory - handling extremely large images
Many state-of-the-art microscopes can very quickly obtain huge quantities of data, putting a huge strain on the computational resources. On this page you can find more information about the memory management of large files together with a lot of tips and tricks to ensure that your calculations can run as smoothly as possible.
Table of contents
Quick checklist for lack of memory issues
1. Are other programs using RAM?
Make certain that there are no other programs (or 2nd instances of Huygens) that are claiming a lot of working memory (RAM) as this will directly limit the amount of RAM that the current instance of Huygens can utilize.
2. Is enough RAM available on the computer?
Some restoration operations may need a surprisingly amount of RAM (see FAQ: "How much RAM...? ", below). If you need to perform callculations that exceed your RAM regularly, enlarging the amount of available system RAM may be the best option. If this is needed sporadically you can also use virtual memory (see below).
3. Is swap space (virtual memory) available and can this be increased?
Modern operating systems will automatically allocate some amount of virtual memory. If you need a large amount of memory only occasionally, it could help to temporarily increase this (see FAQ: "What is virtual memory...?" for details). It will certainly help to have a dedicated SSD for this purpose that is efficiently connected to the motherboard.
4. Is the amount of memory limited by the computer?
In the past, 32-bits programs could never use more than 4 GB of memory at the same time, even when the system had more RAM installed in total. Currently all versions of Huygens are 64-bits and on a regular single-user system there are no restrictions by default. However, on servers, batch processing systems or clusters, there could be additional memory limitations in place.
5. Can the image be saved directly on your disk?
Since Huygens version 24.04, there is an option to use the so called Memory Mapped Format (MMF) in both the Stitcher and the workflow processor. Instead of using the fast working memory of the computers it saves the result (and intermediate results) directly on the hard-disk, circumventing the working memory limitations. Currently this function is only available for stitching and file saving but the functionalities of these MMF files will be extended in the near future. (see details in FAQ below)
General tips and tricks for dealing with large amounts of data
1. Use the Huygens Workflow Processor where possible.
With the Huygens Workflow Processor you can better manage the tasks Huygens needs to perform, set the amount of computational resources that will be used and use more options to control the size of your images (see "How can I prevent Huygens from freezing ...?" in the FAQ below). In addition, the GUI of the Workflow Processor is optimized for big data and therefore runs smoother than the normal, single image tools inside the software. Note that the workflow processor does have an adjustable time limit for single workflows (3 days), there is also a time limit in the deconvolution template (default: 10000 seconds).
2. Crop and split images where possible.
The smaller your raw data is the faster it will process. Huygens has an Automated Cropping function to remove empty space from your images effortlessly. This cropping tool is also integrated in the Workflow Processor. In addition deconvolution and stitching can be preformed on single time frames and channels. This requires more file administration work, but circumvents the need to have the full raw image plus the full result image in your working memory. Note that if there is bleaching present in a time series, it is best to correct for this on the whole time series. For stitching single channels it is best to first optimize the tile positions using all channels and save this as a template. Restorations for drift, crosstalk and chromatic aberrations can best be applied on the entire image but don't require that much memory or calculation time.
3. Do the restoration on individual tiles before stitching.
Most image aquisition issues (except for chromatic abberations and drifts) can be corrected for in single tiles before stitching. This circumvents the need to have the entire stitched image in your working memory (which often does not fit on a GPU card). In the Workflow Processor it is currently also possible to do the deconvolution, bleaching and cross-talk correction on the single tiles before stichting. For other restorations you will need to save the restored tiles as intermediates and you might lose the tile position information from the original metadata. However, this information can be saved in the Stitcher before actually stitching the image.
4. Be aware of the bit depth or data type of your images
Deconvolution and many other image restoration processes require floating point numbers (32 bit, for example 3.14159). The results are also in floating point numbers as to not lose this precision. However, most raw images will have there intensities saved 8 or 16 bit integers which thus require 2-4 times less memory. In the workflow processor you can easily convert the data type back to the smallest bit depth possible for the intensity range of your resulting image. Since version 24.10 the Stitcher can also perform the stitching in 8 or 16 bit as long as you are not also deconvolving the tiles. Forcing the Stitcher to use integer numbers will however limit its accuracy in the overlapping regions.
FAQ and detailed info per topic
The amount of RAM (working memory) needed for deconvolution depends strongly on the image and data type. If the image is saved as a 16 bit image you typically need 6-8 times more RAM than the size of your image to deconvolve the entire image in one "brick". The reason for this is that the mathematical operations during deconvolution don't work with the 16bit integers and thus the raw image, the result image and intermediate images will need to be saved in the 32 bit floating point format and will thus each take twice as much memory as the raw data. For a raw image saved in 8 bit (less common) you thus need 12-16 times more RAM than the raw image for the deconvolution. Importantly, deconvolution goes per channel and per time frame so these intermediate images are needed only for 1 channel and 1 time frame.
On top of this there are a few important exceptions that require significantly more or significantly less memory:
- 2D images Huygens does use 3D Point Spread Functions (PSF) as the confolution in your microscope is also always in 3D. When you deconvolve a 2D image, Huygens will therefore expand this image in the 3rd dimension which multiplies the amount of required RAM drastically. The extent of the expansion varies greatly as this depends on the size of the PSF in the 3rd direction (usually Z). For 2D widefield images with a low NA this can increase the size by a factor of 50 but for 2D confocal images this will usually not be more than a factor of 10. Luckily, most 2D images are small so this large multiplication factor rarely causes issues. Also to benefit optimally from deconvolution it is advised to measure 3-5 Z-slices.
- SORA Spinning Disk This is a rather special case. Due to the high magnification in SORA microscopes the pinholes get extremely close together, causing their signals to overlap. In order to calculate this crosstalk correctly a significant amount of additional RAM is required. If this stops the deconvolution from becoming feasible you can deselect the SORA option in the microscopic parameters and use an experimental PSF to counter this sub-optimal microscopic parameter setting.
- Array detector For Matrix STED and Airyscan systems the raw data consists of 16, 23 or 32 detector images. For most reduction modes (except for "none") Huygens first reduces these images and their PSFs to 1 combined (reduced) image before deconvolution. Therefore you typically only need 2-4 times more RAM than the raw image for these images.
Operating systems can use a part of the hard disk that is intended for long term storage as extra RAM. On a Linux installation, typically a separate partition is created on the disk when Linux is installed, while Windows and Mac use a file on the system disk that can grow on demand. On Linux it is possible to temporarily create an extra swap file. On Mac and Windows the amount of virtual memory and the disks it resides on can be configured in e.g. Mac OSX and Windows 10.
Magnetic hard-disks have the advantage that they are cheaper per terabyte in large sizes and do not suffer as much from wearing out. However, SSDs and especially NVMe SSDs are much faster than magnetic disks. Be aware that SSDs do wear out when they are written too often: look for the "total number of TB written" specification.
.You can also ustilze your memorry in a smarter way. It will always help to crop the image to remove as much empty space as possible. The smaller the image the faster they process. Huygens has therfore an inteligent autocrop function in the Cropper and Workflow Processor.
Moreover, deconvolution is done channel by channel and (time) frame by frame. It is therefore feasible to split the raw images in individual channels or sections of time in order to reduce the amount of RAM needed to store the raw and result images. The splitting and deconvolution can also be done in batch as long as the raw files have the same size/dimensions.
In the Stitcher there are several additional options to reduce the memory. For the tile position optimalization there is a low memory option that significantly reduces the memory usage for large tiles by only considering the edges. In addition there are options to do the stitching process in 8 or 16 bit integers. This is less accurate than using floating point numbers, especially in the overlapping regions, but saves a factor 2-4 in terms of memory.
Lastly, there are some smart RAM saving protocols inside the software. For example, if there is little memory available the original image is not rewritten to 32 bit floats. When this is not enough, the 32 bit internal calculations will also be run in small chunks, not considering the image as a whole. This is called Brick Splitting. Though it is a useful technique to circumvent system RAM requirements, it may not always work perfectly. It can become problematic when the Point Spread Function is very large (as with Wide Field Microscopy) as then the contribution of every light source affects the whole of image. If all contributions are not considered simultaneously the deconvolution result may not be as good. Luckily, the Brick Splitting routine considers many variables to find the best compromise between available memory and deconvolution requirements. There is a limit however as you also would need to do additional calculations to prevent bricking artifacts when combining them together at the end.The Graphical User Interface can suffer when large amounts of RAM and CPU are being used by the calculation. In these situations it can help to use the Workflow processor instead as this only uses very little memory to update the windows and because it allows you to limit the computational resources. in the Workflow Processor it is also possible to schedule tasks and start them at a later time. For example, you can start all workflows at the end of the workday, or you can program them to start in the weekend when no-one is using the computer (don't close the workflow processor in that case). If you want to use this method you can best first generate all the workflows you want to run, before starting them at the preferred time.
In addition, when the freezing is caused by excessive RAM or swap space use, it could help to instruct Huygens to use smaller bricks in the calculation. This can be done in the deconvolution template or in the deconvolution Wizard by setting the "Brick mode" to "More". Similarly, in some cases it can be helpful to reduce the number of threads per workflow in the main workflow processor window. If you for example leave 1 or 2 CPUs (threads) available for other tasks outside Huygens these would run a lot smoother. The default setting for this number of threads and number of Bricks is "Auto" which will use all available resources in order to let the calculations finish as quickly as possible. Limitting this will thus slow the calculations down but usually will speed up the other functions of your computer.
Note that for extremely big images you would need to expand the timeout limit in both the deconvolution template and in the Workflow processor itself (see options menu). The defaults are 3 days for workflows and 10.000 seconds for the deconvolution).
The Memory Mapped Format uses a manner of data handling where large amounts of data that are required for calculations are stored directly on your harddisk ( normally used for long-term storage). Your harddisk is usually 10-100 times larger than your working memory and thus this approach lets you process even the biggest images. The cost of this approach is processing speed and the ease of accessing the data later on. The processing speed when you need to read/write from the harddisk is at least an order of magnitude slower than when you read/write to the working memory. These calculations will therefore take a very long time to complete so it is only advised to use this format if the results don't fit in the working memory at all (see "How can I reduce the memory that is required?" above)
The result file will be in the MMF format which can only be accessed by programs that can work with memory mapped files. Post analysis programs will usually not be able to open this file. Other operations in Huygens can use MMF files as input images, but may require intermediate or result images that will not also be automatically memory mapped and then will still not fit in system memory. This is something we hope to expand future versions. For now the main application of this is thus simply to be able to perform the stitching on a computer with too little memory to contain the result image. The image could be resaved into for example a Pyramidal OME.Tiff file for post analysis on a larger computer.
Sometimes the memory problem appears when saving your datasets. Why does just saving data require extra memory usage? It depends on the File Format that is being used. A format like ICS will store the data directly without further memory demands, but other formats, like TIFF, require the dataset to be transformed and for that the program needs to create a new destination image to store the transformation result (see Tiff Scaling). Maybe there's not enough memory to create a full third image, even if it is 16 bit!
In such a case, store the results first in ICS or OME, restart the program and try reloading and converting the image to the desired format.There might be problems when the OS reports that it has more memory available than what is going to be provided later. Just asking the OS how much free memory is available is not enough if later, when demanded, it will serve less than that! The provisions made based on initial figures (like Brick Splitting) will fail.
Moreover, a typical problem present in some operating systems is that they only allow memory allocation of contiguous memory chunks. The (reported) available memory may be large, but if there's not a contiguous piece of the size that is requested, it won't be provided. Some versions of Windows are known for suffering from memory fragmentation that reduce the size of the largest allocatable chunk. In these cases, the message "not enough memory available" actually means "not enough contiguous memory available".
Until the Operating Systems in question do not improve their memory management, there's not much that applications can do. Huygens does its best not to be fooled by these OSs (usually this implies being pessimistic with the provided free memory figures, and calculate the brick splitting in a more conservative way), but when large amounts of memory are required we suggest using recent Windows or Linux versions.