Column statistics in the Object Analyzer
This article summarizes how to optimally use column statistics in the Object Analyzer in the Huygens deconvolution software.
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$$ SUM = \sum_{i=1}^N x_i $$
$$ AVG = \frac{SUM}{N} $$
$$ SD-N = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - AVG)^2 $$
What follows is an example of the reported values: first objects in the Primary (P) segmentation group are considered separately, then objects in the Secondary (S) group, and finally statistics are reported for all objects together (PS). If some rows are present in the table reporting about the ROI, they are also included separately.
---- 'Voxels' ---- Number of voxels in the object Primary segmentation group (P) MAX(P) = 326 MED(P) = 58 MIN(P) = 7 N(P) = 12 SUM(P) = 923 AVG(P) = 76.917 SD-N(P) = 84.044 (109.27%) Secondary segmentation group (S) MAX(S) = 1127 MED(S) = 17.5 MIN(S) = 6 N(S) = 24 SUM(S) = 2067 AVG(S) = 86.125 SD-N(S) = 222.47 (258.31%) Both segmentation groups (PS) MAX(PS) = 1127 MED(PS) = 21 MIN(PS) = 6 N(PS) = 36 SUM(PS) = 2990 AVG(PS) = 83.056 SD-N(PS) = 188.07 (226.44%)