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This image won the 1st prize in the Huygens Image Contest 2013. It was submitted by Dr. Karin Panser from the Institute of Molecular Pathology (Vienna, Austria). The image represents the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) ommatidia that make up the compound eye. Shown are the nuclei in blue (DAPI), Cadherin in red (Alexa 568), and chaoptin in photoreceptors in green (Alexa 488). The image was acquired with a Zeiss LSM780 confocal microscope (NA 1.3, 40x, plan-Apochromat), and subesequently deconvolved using Huygens Professional.

This picture has been used for the SVI mouse pads to show how beautiful biological images can become with Huygens Deconvolution!