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Available commands within the Huygens Software

The Huygens Software uses Tcl/Tk as a scripting language and a front end.

TclTk commands

Documentation can be found in http://www.tcl.tk/man/.

Huygens specific

  1. abs
  2. adapt
  3. addc
  4. addMipToSurface
  5. adjbl
  6. adopt
  7. analyze
  8. analyzeObject
  9. and
  10. andn
  11. assign
  12. autoCrop
  13. avgFilter
  14. avgspheres
  15. backup
  16. bgCol
  17. bgGrp
  18. bgIntens
  19. blkAngles
  20. border
  21. borderFill
  22. chan2rgba
  23. chanAdd
  24. chanCol
  25. chanColAll
  26. chanDel
  27. chanInfo
  28. cl
  29. clear
  30. clip
  31. cmle
  32. coloc
  33. combine
  34. comment
  35. complex2polar
  36. complex2stacked
  37. conj
  38. const
  39. convert
  40. convert2d23d
  41. convert3d22d
  42. convert3d24d
  43. convert4d23d
  44. convertDim
  45. convertT2Z
  46. convertZ2T
  47. cooccurence
  48. cp
  49. cpu
  50. create
  51. createTransfMatrix
  52. cs
  53. debug
  54. del
  55. delundo
  56. depthMip
  57. dilate
  58. dist
  59. divc
  60. eqflux
  61. eqsampling
  62. erode
  63. estbg
  64. excPhase
  65. execLog
  66. exists
  67. exp
  68. extendpsf
  69. fft
  70. findCropRegion
  71. findFocus
  72. findMaxima
  73. gauss
  74. genpsf
  75. genpsfExpl
  76. gensphere
  77. getAllocMem
  78. getconfig
  79. getdims
  80. getFileType
  81. getFormatInfo
  82. getframe
  83. getFreeSwap
  84. getGamma
  85. getHuPath
  86. getHuygensPtrSize
  87. getLicPath
  88. getMaxFreeMem
  89. getmem
  90. getpix
  91. getSysId
  92. gLog
  93. gnoise
  94. gt
  95. guiUpdating
  96. gundo
  97. hist
  98. hist2Ch
  99. history
  100. hotpixel
  101. ictm
  102. initColMode
  103. intpix
  104. invert
  105. invertAndOffset
  106. isosampling
  107. join
  108. keepLog
  109. kuwahara
  110. labCol
  111. labEff
  112. label
  113. labEm
  114. labEx
  115. labGrp
  116. labShad
  117. labShadExpl
  118. laplace
  119. lda
  120. license
  121. lightAdd
  122. lightDel
  123. lightDir
  124. lightHitCnt
  125. lightInfo
  126. lightIntens
  127. list
  128. ln
  129. log
  130. lt
  131. lundo
  132. mask
  133. math
  134. max
  135. maxFilter
  136. median
  137. min
  138. minFilter
  139. miniMIP
  140. mir
  141. mle
  142. morphClose
  143. morphOpen
  144. movie
  145. mulc
  146. multiMIP
  147. nand
  148. nor
  149. norm
  150. notes
  151. nyq
  152. nyqExpl
  153. ome
  154. open
  155. optrep
  156. or
  157. orn
  158. paralSfp
  159. percentile
  160. percFilter
  161. persMip
  162. plot
  163. plotFlux
  164. plotProfile
  165. pnoise
  166. power
  167. ppuFilter
  168. preOpen
  169. probability
  170. product
  171. psf
  172. putframe
  173. qgauss
  174. qmle
  175. range
  176. ratio
  177. recpsf
  178. recpsfEasy
  179. repl
  180. report
  181. resample
  182. rotate
  183. save
  184. saved
  185. sclip
  186. set
  187. setAffinity
  188. setGamma
  189. setmem
  190. setp
  191. setpix
  192. shift
  193. show
  194. slice
  195. split
  196. sqr
  197. sqrt
  198. stat
  199. sthres
  200. subc
  201. tableAttr
  202. tableCol
  203. tableDims
  204. tablePos
  205. thres
  206. tm
  207. topSfp
  208. toTkPhoto
  209. undo
  210. upDir
  211. userstring
  212. varianceFilter
  213. verb
  214. version
  215. viewAdd
  216. viewDel
  217. viewDims
  218. viewDir
  219. viewInfo
  220. viewModes
  221. viewOffset
  222. viewPlanePos
  223. viewPoint
  224. viewRefresh
  225. watershed
  226. weigh
  227. xnor
  228. xor
  229. zdrift
  230. zoom