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Miscellaneous questions

Yes, the -script option works as follows:
Copy to clipboard
huscript -script myscript
All Huygens products will show a message when a new version is available. You can also check for updates manually by going to Help > About and clicking on the Check for updates button.
Deconvolution results are usually in float format, so when saved to 16-bit TIFF they sometimes need to be contrast-stretched to make the data fit in the 16-bit format. If no stretching is necessary because the data fit in the 16-bit format, there will be no scaling.

If you wish to have more control on this process you can convert the data to the desired data type before saving. This can be done with the Convert -> Data and Channel type menu from the Operations Window or with the convert command, e.g. a convert -type byte.

For more elaborate conversions see Manipulation -> Copy&Stretch and the arithmetic menu. See also Tiff Scaling.
The syntax of the open command is:
Copy to clipboard
img open <filename> ?-query? ?-foreignTo byte|int|float? ?-cmode clip|scale?
So you'd need to use the -foreignTo int -cmode clip options.
Copy to clipboard
img open yourImage -foreignTo int -cmode clip
See img open.
Read our extended explanation on how to run Huygens remotely at RemoteDisplay.
Measuring distances can be done with the Twin Slicer, available in Huygens Essential and Huygens Professional in both freeware and licensed modes. Next to that the option Object Analyzer enables a full suite of vertasile analysis tools both for the whole image and parts or objects of it.

Select an image and open the Twin Slicer by either right-clicking on the image and selecting View > Twin Slicer or by the menu Visualization > Twin Slicer. In Huygens Essential there is an additional button to open the Twin Slicer in the main window.
When the Twin Slicer is opened, the image is shown in the left viewer. When you simply click on the image and then drag to another point a line a is drawn between the two points with a distance displayed next to it. In the right viewer a line plot is automatically visualized, which shows the intensity values where the line goes through. A drawn line can be deleted by selecting the line and pressing Delete on the keyboard.

You can select any view of the image by selecting a slice direction and by changing the tilt and twist, which makes it possible to measure distances is all directions.
There are many commands available, both tcl/tk commands as huygens commands. For the full list of available commands see:

For an online tutorial and explanation about the huygens commands, see:

Note: the be able to view the manual of Huygens Core you need to be logged in.
If you tackle with any problem while using Huygens, we would appreciate it if you could send us a description of the problem, along with a debug log. This debug log is generated by Huygens, upon running in debug mode. To run Huygens in debug mode, please carry out the instructions listed here.