Files questions
gzip *.ids
gzip -9 *.ids
gunzip *.gz
- Click on 'File|Save As': - Select the '*.ids' format and press the 'Options' button.
- The second property page called 'ics' shows the 'Huygens Compatible' checkbox. Please check this option and press the 'Setup' button to fill in all the Huygens specific information.psa-880_Series08_t00_z000.tif psa-880_Series08_t00_z001.tif ... psa-880_Series08_t01_z000.tif psa-880_Series08_t01_z001.tif ... psa-880_Series08_t09_z027.tif psa-880_Series08_t09_z028.tif
Huygens Pro has a lot of conversion utilities and tools to shuffle frames and channels around. See Operations Window -> Convert
Lastly it is possible to edit the ICS file like:
layout parameters 4 layout order bits x y z layout sizes 8 256 256 64
layout parameters 5 layout order bits x y z t layout sizes 8 256 256 16 4
file (if only two channels are present the last B channel will be empty, and if more than three channels are present they will be discarded).
yourFile1.tiff -> newFile000.tif (or tiff) yourFile2.tiff -> newFile001.tif etc.
Huygens will read the stack as a single 3D image by selecting the image newFile.000
. (Or you may skip the first N planes by opening newFileN).
- In the foreign software, save the image in binary from, for example to
. If this is not possible try saving to a fixed header format and strip the header. - Create an image in the Huygens System of exactly the same dimensions and microscopic parameters as the image you have saved in binary form. Save it in the default ICS format, for example
. It creates the foo.ics/foo.ids file pair. - Rename
. This over-writes the original foo.ids but you don't need that any more. - Open the foo.ics/foo.ids ICS file pair in Huygens.
The current native file format for Imaris is an HDF variant. Huygens supports the HDF format as well and should not give problems when loaded in Huygens. However, Imaris stores the metadata in a separate section, which is not read properly. In some cases a black border could be added to the image, which can be cropped using the crop-tool.
Or if you have the following option in your license you can exchange data easily between LASAF/X and Huygens:
<1> wrapped clip -> a <2> wrapped - a -> c <3> a convert -type float <4> c convert -type float <5> c * -1 -> b <6> b max 1 -> b <7> c + 65536 -> c <8> c * b -> c <9> a + c -> psf
- P. Dean, L. Mascio, D. Ow, D. Sudar, J. Mullikin, "Proposed standard for image cytometry data files", Cytometry, n.11, pp.561-569, 1990.
In order to stabilize each channel accurately at sub-pixel level, it must be converted to floating point (32 bit) making it 4 times larger, so 12 GB. Because all 3 channels must be stabilized at the same time, the complete 36 B file must be used. The same size is needed for the intermediate, and for the final result. Counting to 108GB.
Moreover, the addition of extra borders, also known as padding, may be necessary to account for all movements. So the more movement in various dimensions the more padding is needed. Some datasets have been subjected to so much movements that an accurate correction requires padding of nearly the same amount of memory as the initial, intermediate, and corrected image altogether. In our example that would be another 100 GB on top of the 108 GB, totaling 208 GB of memory.
Thus, if you have several large channels with multiple dimensions and much movements with an expected memory need that exceeds the internal memory of your computer, we recommend to look at enlarging the swap-space in your hardware. In that way the memory is expanded significantly, be it at the price of slowing down the processing. You can use our file size calculator to determine the actual size of your image.