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The Huygens license string

The license keys used by the node-locked and floating Huygens Software are text strings, one per licensed package. See Huygens Everywhere for Huygens via subscription (SaaS)

A node-locked or floating Huygens license may look as follows:


Installing the license string

  1. Copy the license string you received from SVI by email using your operating system's generic paste key combination or select the key and use right click, copy.
  2. Start a Huygens program and go to Help > License Manager > Add new license...
  3. Paste the license string into the text field using your operating system's generic paste key combination, or by using the paste button in the pop up window.
  4. Complete the procedure selecting "Add License". You should get the following message: Added license succesfully
*Installing a license string is the same for all platforms, although on Linux only the superuser can do it.
*The key combinations for copy / paste generally are: Mac OS X: apple-c / apple-v; Windows: control-c / control-v; Linux: on most common desktops copying is done simply by marking the text area with the mouse, and pasting by either middle mouse click or control-v.
*Huygens Core doesn't have a graphical interface unless you run it with the -gui option. For the purposes of installing a license string, any other Huygens program will do (Essential or Professional for example). If you prefer not using a graphical user interface and working from the command line, you can find in usr/local/svi the file 'huygensLicense', which can be opened with any text editor to add license strings.
*In some Windows systems it may be required that, for the purposes of the license installation only, the program is executed with administrator privileges. For that, right click on the program icon or menu entry and choose "Run as administrator". This happens only if the file "huygensLicense" in the program directory has restricted writing permissions, which is something the program installer tries to prevent as far as possible. Therefore this may not be necessary at all, and any user might be able to add license strings.
*Please try to avoid typing the license string by hand: any small typing error will invalidate the license. With an invalid license, the software will remain in FreeWare mode.

License details

You can have detailed information about your license strings by going to Help > License overview in the Huygens Software, select the license string you want to inspect, and click on "Explain ....". A new window will pop up containing information about your license, including all the enabled options.

License details explained (click to open larger view).

Multiple licenses

It is no problem to install more than one license. The Huygens Software will automatically make all the options available that are enabled by the various valid licenses. You can for example have official licenses for some options, and still add other temporal licenses that will enable functionalities that you want to test for free.

Maintenance & Upgrade of an official license

When you have bought an official license and have a valid maintenance contract, you will receive automatically twice a year (Spring and Autumn) a new license for the new release. If your maintenance contract has expired, the license will continue to work as before on the computer where it is installed on. However, you won't get a new license for the new releases until you have a valid maintenance contract again. Nor will the license keep on working if your hardware changes. for more information about maintenance and upgrades click here.

Troubleshooting license string

The most common problems arising when getting license strings and some tips for their solutions can be found by inspecting the License details (see above) or in the FAQ page. You can also always contact us if you encounter any problems or may have some questions.