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Huygens Deconvolution Express

Deconvolution has never been easier!

Easy to use

With smart profiles for for automated background and SNR estimation.

Fast and interactive

Nearly instant high-quality results through GPU acceleration support.

Most advanced algorithms


Real-time, GPU accelerated deconvolution run with the Deconvolution Express. Confocal image by Anne Aubusson-Fleury, CNRS, France.

Reliable deconvolution in mere seconds

The powerful Deconvolution Express option makes use of smart templates and Huygens' high-quality deconvolution algorithms to restore your images in a matter of seconds. Using smart profiles for finding acceptable parameter values, the Express helps to reveal great image detail while decreasing blurring and noise without relying on user input.

Image description Widefield image of a U2OS cell before (right) and after (left) Huygens Express Deconvolution. Data from Dr. Livio Kleij en Martijn Vroomans, UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Raw Widefield
Huygens Deconvolved

Fully Automated using smart templates

Choose from 4 smart templates for finding the optimal deconvolution method for each image. Each profile surveys the image with different conditions to arrive at the best deconvolution parameters for that image. These profiles are available for user selection and can be generally understood as a speed versus resolution gauge.

Fast: uses faster deconvolution algorithms and fewer iterations than in other profiles. This profile is fast and well suited for images with high signal-to-noise ratio.

Standard (Default choice): best trade-off between speed, resolution gain, and noise reduction.

Conservative: more cautious on attempting a very high resolution gain, very safe and effective at reducing image noise, but more conservative in resolution gain.

Aggressive: well suited for images with a high signal-to-noise ratio. This profile will boost the resolution of the result.

Based on the selected smart profile, Deconvolution Express automatically decides on the best deconvolution parameters for the input image. The tool will first estimate the image background and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) using the microscopy parameters. Huygens automatically reads-in metadata from most vendors to obtain these parameters. The more complete and accurate this information is, the more reliable the restoration will be. In addition to estimating the image statistics, Deconvolution Express makes smart choices on the type of algorithm, the number of iterations, the quality threshold, and the optimal number of bricks, among other things. After the express deconvolution, you can inuitively tune the result toward a smoother or sharper image using a slider and, if desired, run the deconvolution again with these settings.

Super Fast: GPU accelerated

Like the other deconvolution methods in Huygens, the deconvolution in the Deconvolution Express can be performed on the CPU and can be accelerated significantly using GPU cards. For an optimal experience with the Deconvolution Express we do advise using the GPU acceleration to give you high-quality results up to 30 times faster compared to CPU processing. On the right-hand side you can click on 'Compare speed' to get an impression of the deconvolution speed with GPU acceleration vs CPU-only on a typical single channel confocal image using a high-end GPU. For more benchmark tests please visit the GPU benchmark page.
GPU accelerated


Learn more

Use in research

Montserrat A. de la Rosa Rodriguez, Lei Deng, Anne Gemmink et al. Hypoxia-inducible lipid droplet-associated induces DGAT1 and promotes lipid storage in hepatocytes. Huygens was used for chromatic aberration correction and Express deconvolution. Molecular Metabolism 47 (2021)

Mirko Cortese, Ji-Young Lee, Berati Cerikan et al. Integrative Imaging Reveals SARS-CoV-2-Induced Reshaping of Subcellular Morphologies. STED images were deconvolved with Huygens Deconvolution Express using the conservative profile. Cell Host & Microbe 28(6), 853-866 (2020)

For more, see Scientific Publications

Huygens Batch Feeder can be used to apply Express Deconvolution automatically to the entire user-defined Watch Folder. After Express Deconvolution, reliable image analysis can be performed, for example using the Object Analyzer.

Batch Feeder Object Analyzer

More information

Deconvolution in general Huygens Deconvolution Restoration examples