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SVI offers help with teaching

We contribute to science by making high quality imaging solutions available. All Huygens products are free for teachers that use Huygens in their courses.

Educational temporary License

Huygens Educational Licenses include all our solutions and are free for teachers who plan to use Huygens for training purposes. Eductational licenses are issued for a limited time period. Use the application form below to request a Huygens Educational License.

  • Licenses are granted to official organization representatives (faculty members and IT support staff).
  • Licenses are issued as a free temporary subscription with access to all Huygens products.
  • Licenses allow the software to be installed and used in on-site classrooms and labs, as floating or per-machine (node-locked) licenses.

Image description: HeLa cells (MIP) imaged with Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan system and deconvolved with the Huygens Array detector using the superXY mode. Cells are stained with anti-Ki67 and secondary-Alexa488 (magenta), Phallodin-TMR (White), and anti-alphaTubulin and secondary Abberior Star Red (shown in green). Image obtained with Zeiss Airyscan microscope kindly provided by Dr. Christoffer Lagerholm (Wolfson Imaging Centre, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK

Huygens Deconvolved superXY

Request a temporary Educational Huygens License

First name:
Last name:
Phone number:
You will receive a Huygens Everywhere free trial!
If you prefer to receive a computer-locked license instead, please enter your Huygens System ID here:

I would like to test:

Single Molecule Localization

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