Together with several research groups (see co-author list below), SVI has published an article and cover in the September issue of Microscopy Today on "Restoration of Light Sheet Multi-View Data with the Huygens Fusion and Deconvolution Wizard". The article describes the Huygens Fusion and Deconvolution Wizard, which is a unique integrated solution for deconvolving light sheet microscopy images from various kinds of light sheet systems. Detailed descriptions are given of the fusion of multi-views of the specimen, processing of deskewed of data, and image deconvolution. Examples show significant improvements in image signal and resolution of more than 1.5-2 times.
You can access this Microscopy Today September issue for free: here. Authors: Peter J. Verveer (1), Vincent T.G. Schoonderwoert (1), Denis Ressnikoff (2), Shane D. Elliott (3), Kiefer D. van Teutem (1), Tobias C. Walther (3) and Hans T.M. van der Voort (1)
1 Scientific Volume Imaging bv, Marathon 9E, 1213PE, Hilversum, The Netherlands 2 CIQLE, Centre d’imagerie quantitative Lyon-Est, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France 3 Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases, Harvard University, Boston, MA
For more information on our Light Sheet Fusion and Deconvolution Wizard you can visit this online wiki page or request a free trial license by downloading Huygens.