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Huygens Node-Locked
Good to know
One time purchase
1 year M&U included
Remote/Web access possible
Tailored to your needs
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Everywhere use
License ownership
Low cost multi-user solution
Tailored to your needs
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Everywhere use
Personal login
Pay monthly/yearly
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License model:
One-time purchase +
Maintenance optional
One-time purchase +
Maintenance required*
Subscription with monthly payment
Maintenance & software updates:
1 free year included
(can be extended)
Example use cases:
Single workstation, server or computer
Login in on any computer with Huygens installed
Login in on any computer with Huygens installed
Requires internet connection:
Use on multiple systems:
Multiple users at once:
Remote display allowed:
*Huygens Everywhere includes a direct ownership of a node-locked license with Everywhere capability. If the maintenance contract of Huygens Everywhere is not extended, the license will be converted to a node-locked license.