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Developmental Biology & Plant Biology

We offer complete solution for large tissue restoration and visualisation

HUYGENS makes your life easy! We offer the complete solution for large tissue RESTORATION and VISUALISATION.

Tile stitching & Restoration - For big datasets!

Light Sheet Fuser - works for any microscope type

Deconvolution for even better resolution - Trusted & Easy

Insightful data - Get the information ready for publication

Huygens Tracking - Track cells in organisms

I tested the lightsheet fusion with 8-view lightsheet stacks of a drosophila ovary. The fusion worked great! What was especially useful was that it did the registration and fusion without fiducial marker beads in the images. Dr. Benjamin Lopez, NRI-MCDB Microscopy Facility Director, UC Santa Barbara, USA.
Image description: Erythrocytes that mark the developing vasculature in a mouse embryo (E14.5). This 8x11x2mm specimen was imaged on a multiphoton microscope excited at 790nm using a 25x 1.0NA Objective. Subsequently, the image was stitched, deconvolved with Huygens Professional using a measured PSF, and visualised with depth-coded colouring using the Huygens MIP renderer. Image Imaged by Howard Vindin (Weiss Laboratory, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney)
MsEmbryo Developing Vasculature Decon MIP Depth Coded

Start using Huygens now

Huygens Tile Stitching

Get superior results using Huygens restoration

Equipped with a unique xyz tile positioning approach, HUYGENS STITCHER fits each recorded tile with extremely high 3D precision into the mosaic. With intelligent and automated vignetting correction, seamless stitching is ensured. The easy-to-use Wizard combines fast GPU-accelerated fitting and VIGNETTING correction with deconvolution to achieve superior results.

Image description: Image description: Dendritic spines even visible in a large FOV (field of view). Tiles from a 2-channel Zeiss confocal .czi file of a brain section were stitched, automatically vignetting-corrected, and deconvolved with Huygens Stitcher. Image courtesy Dr. Moritz Kirschmann, Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis ZMB, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

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Stitcher GIFF

Huygens Fuser & Light-Sheet Deconvolution

Get superior results using Huygens restoration

Light Sheet microscopy (LSM) is a great way to record large samples. However post processing large datasets can be a daunting task. Huygens takes care of these issues for you and even simplifies the recording procedure. Upgrade the quality of your light sheet data using GPU-accelerated Huygens variable PSF restoration. Record as many projections as you want and stitch them together effortlessly using HUYGENS FUSER. No marker beads required!

diSPIM Light Sheet images of DiI-labelled human brain tissue [..] were considerably improved with Huygens de-skewing and deconvolution. Huygens 3D rendering allowed us to create awesome figures and videos, which really helped to let our data shine! Dr. Sven Hildebrand, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
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Vlcsnap 2019 10 01 13h36m18s436
Huygens fused light sheet image of a chicken embryo visualized with the SFP-Surface renderer in Huygens. Courtesy of Prof. Christophe Marcelle, Mrs. Marie Julie Dejardin (INMG) & Dr. Denis Ressnikoff (CIQLE), Université Lyon 1, France.

Deconvolve your images

Improve image quality with Huygens Deconvolution

SVI is a pioneer in image deconvolution and has offered solutions as early as 1992! Driven by founder Hans van der Voort the company has always had a strong connection to the imaging community. Learn more about SVI. As such we value reliable image restoration over just making the images look good, see also the quantitative imaging white paper. At the same time we understand the needs of the imaging community and offer simple and understandable solutions to restore your images, whatever your level may be.

Image description: Stained structures (kinetochore complex) involved in cell division, Image kindly provided by Dr. Livio Kleij (facility) and Martijn Vroomans. Medical Oncology, UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands.

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Raw Widefield
Huygens Deconvolved

Insightful Data 

Visualize & Analyze with Huygens

The Huygens Software offers a wide range of visualization and analysis tools with which microscope images can be beautifully visualized. SVI has a long experience in visualization and analysis next to its strong focus on deconvolution. Several interactive 3D visualization tools are standard included in the Huygens Essential and Professional. These tools can be extended with additional visualization and analysis options.The visualization tools support GPU acceleration combined with CPU performance, which greatly reduces render times.

Image description: The MIP renderer in color mode depth-coding showing a Paramecium. Regions of the image close to the viewpoint appear blue whereas region far away appear red. Image courtesy of A. Aubusson-Fleury CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, Paris.

Analysis Visualization

Screenshot From 2019 10 23 16 16 07

Developmental Biology Image Gallery

IG 03
Developing Drosophila egg-chambers that were depleted of ATP prior to fixation to lock microtubule binding proteins and their cargoes to the microtubules. An RNA binding molecule, EmGFP-Tm1-I is shown in magenta (direct fluorescence), the actin cytoskeleton is shown in green (labelled with phalloidin AF633). Image courtesy of Dr. Imre Gaspar, Developmental Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.
Image 2 PMEF Tm5NM1+2 KO Huygens Deconvolved. Contrast Enhanced Max Projection
Image shows the remarkable complexity of the actin filament network in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (pMEF) null for the actin regulatory proteins Tm5NM1/2. Actin filaments are visualised by phalloidin. Confocal image (N.A1.4. 100x) was deconvolved and visualised with Huygens Professional. Image courtesy of Mr. Howard Vindin. Cellular & Genetic Medicine Unit, School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia.
100x StackNyquist Decon(right)
The development of the inner ear: the cochlea. Within the cochlea, there is the sensory organ of hearing, the organ of Corti. During development, cells here differentiate into various kinds of supporting cells and into hair cells. The hair cells are the actual cells with which we hear, they transform the mechanical energy into electrical energy. Subsequently, the electrical pulses go to the brain(stem), so the hair cells need to develop all sorts of nervous innervation. A deparaffinised 5 um section of a human foetal cochlea with a gestational age of 15 weeks was stained with three different antibodies and DAPI. Microscope: confocal SP5. Deconvolution with Huygens. Image courtesy of Dr. Heiko Locher, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands.
A series of developing Drosophila oocytes (egg-chambers to be precise). A Z-stack of 116 optical sections was taken on a Leica SP8 Laser scanning confocal microscope with a 63x 1.4NA objective. Actin (in yellow) is stained with rhodamin phalloidin and the nuclear envelopes of the so -called nurse cells are labeled with autofluorescence of GFP-Tm1 (green). Huygens Remote Manager was used to deconcolve the raw image. Image courtesy of Dr. Imre Gaspar, Developmental Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.
This image shows two metaphase HeLa cells expressing Mito-DsRed2 (yellow; mitochondrial matrix marker) and LifeAct-GFP (cyan; filamentous actin marker). The cells were also labeled with Hoechst dye to visualize DNA. These live cells were imaged by spinning disk confocal microscopy and deconvolved in Huygens. This image is a maximum intensity projection. Image courtesy of Andy Moore, Holzbaur Lab, University of Pennsylvania, United States.