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Super Resolution

Get what you came for, only better.

In super-res, the extra resolution is worth the effort, with Huygens you get that, for no effort at all! Go for the ultimate resolution in STED, or study your samples live in for acquisition times previously inaccessible. Get the premium data easy using Huygens airy disc deconvolution. Or have your SMLM image ready faster than you can make a cup of coffee. Huygens outperforms all other existing softwares. Trusted, easy & artefact free.

STED (2D and 3D depletion)

Array Detector

Localisation microscopy (SMLM)

Image description: Hela cells with actin cytoskeleton labelled, imaged with Abberior STEDYCON and deconvolved with Huygens.

Confocal Raw
STED + Huygens deconvolved

STED Deconvolution

STED super-resolution microscopy synergizes extremely well with deconvolution due to the favourable properties of the STED point spread function (PSF), allowing 22nm resolution. HUYGENS DECONVOLUTION for STED was developed in tandem with the creators of STED and outperforms any microscope vendor-offered alternatives. Check out what it can do for you in our STED product page. Works for any Leica / Abberior (incl. STEDYCON) / home-built system.

Image description: Primary hippocampal neurons with cytoskeleton proteins labelled (magenta, alpha-Adducin, Abberior STAR 635P and green, ßII spectrin, Alexa 594). Imaged with Abberior Instruments’ STEDYCON and deconvolved with Huygens.

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Array Detector Deconvolution

Array detection pushes confocal imaging to the next level. At its core it relies on image restoration to process information from all detector channels into a single, better-resolved image. Huygens Array Detection combines information from all detectors with sophisticated knowledge of each detector’s image formation properties (PSF) to yield a single high-resolution image. Find out what software from the image restoration experts can do for your data. It’s fast, flexible and provides superior results. Works for Airyscan, nanoSPAD and others.

Image description: HeLa cells (MIP) imaged with Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan system and deconvolved with the Huygens Array detector using the superXY mode. Cells were stained with anti-Ki67 and secondary-Alexa488 (magenta), Phallodin-TMR (White), and anti-alphaTubulin and secondary Abberior Star Red (shown in green). Image kindly provided by Dr. Christoffer Lagerholm (Wolfson Imaging Centre, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK).

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Huygens Deconvolved superXY

Huygens Localizer

Huygens Localizer is a hassle-free and affordable alternative for reconstruction of SMLM data. Huygens Localizer offers:

  • An intuitive and user-friendly interface
  • Takes care of drift and particle filtering without the need of fiducial markers
  • Has better restoration quality overall due to better True positives/ False Positives ratio.
  • Restoration of SMLM data in less than 1 minute
  • Works for any 2D / 3D SMLM system.

See more details in our white paper, or learn all-you-need-to-know in our Localizer Webinar.

Image description: Microtubules imaged with a Leica GSD. 2000 frames were accumulated to obtain an equivalent widefield image (right). The rendered result by the HUYGENS Localizer is shown on the left. Images Courtesy: Marko Lampe (image acquisition) / Ulf Matti (sample preparation), EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

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HUYGENS Localizer result

Start using Huygens now

Super Resolution Image Gallery

Raw Confocal
STED + Huygens Deconvolved
Centrosome linker. U2OS cells in which the centrosome-linker-protein rootletin was immunolabelled using secondary antibodies coupled to Abberior STAR RED. Sample was prepared by R. Vlijm at MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany. Imaged with Abberior Instruments’ STEDYCON and deconvolved with Huygens Professional.
GokhanYilmaz SuperResolution Images of Actin Cytoskeleton of NPC Disease. Image is taken with Leica STED Microscope with %100 775 STED depletion laser power and shows the reduced binding of the IgG-opsonized beads on actin cytoskeleton of NPC macrophages (stained with Aberrior 635 - Phalloidin). Image kindly provided by Mr. Gokhan Yilmaz, Pharmacology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
APD__Figure.png Confocal and STED image of chromosomes with histon proteins before and after deconvolution. Combined image of chromosomes (confocal in green) and histon protein (STED in red) image before and after deconvolution. More contrast and resolution can be observed after deconvolution of both the Leica confocal and STED channel. The image shows an enlargement of the red channel. Image kindly provided by Dr. Juraj Kabat, Biological Imaging Facility, NIH/NIAID, Bethesda, USA.
Nanorulers Cac GATTA-PAINT 80RG (2x 80nm) nanorulers imaged with STORM system. Both the widefield (accumulated) data (background subtracted), and the processed image show a clear shift between the two channels. This can be accurately corrected with the HUYGENS Chromatic Aberration Corrector. The determined Chromatic Aberration template can be used for correcting chromatic aberration for other images as well. Image data provided by GATTAquant GmbH, and processed with HUYGENS Localizer.