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SVI_Huygens present at EMBO Lightsheet Course 2018 and Lightsheet Conference 2018 Dresden
SVI has a wonderful Light sheet Deconvolution &Fusion bundle for all brands of lightsheet and SPIM microscopes. We're happy to join this wonderful EMBO course and the 10th conference on this new, versatile type of microscope.

One of our Huygens experts will be present to give training and discuss the latest development in Lightsheet imaging.

'Light sheet microscopy is an emerging technology that enables imaging of large biological specimens with minimal photodamage. It opens new avenues to study cell biological and developmental processes with unprecedented imaging speed and facilitates systems biology approaches by quantitative imaging of entire living systems. Light sheet microscopy has only recently left the optical tables of technology developers and become more broadly available through commercial and open access platforms. This EMBO practical course will comprehensively introduce the light sheet microscopy paradigm to the new generation of scientists.'
Source: the EMBO website announcing the event.