
Calendar: Conferences and Workshops

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University Bern offers an interesting one day symposium on the latest imaging techniques

Imaging Symposium at the University of Bern, Switzerland

From Organoids to Organisms - Multiscale imaging

Date: Friday 30.11.2018, 10.00 am - 4.30 pm
Location: Langhans Auditorium
Institute of Pathology, University of Bern
Inselspital, Entrance 43A

Approved for 0.5 day credit for continued education in animal experimentation.

Confirmed Speakers:

Darren Gilmour, University of Zurich (CH)
Marianna de Julio, University of Bern (CH)
Matthias Lütolf, EPFL (CH)
Kasper Renggli, ETHZ BSSE, Basel, (CH)
Thomas Nevian, University of Bern (CH)
Julien Vermot, IGBMC (FR)
Ulf Rädler, ibidi (DE)
Thomas Wagner, GE (DE)

Registration (lunch planning! max. participants: 160)

Please register until 09.11.2018
2 day Huygens and HRM workshop at the D-BSSE/ETHZ in Basel.

Huygens & HRM workshop at the D-BSSE/ETHZ in Basel (Switzerland)

SVI and the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE, Single Cell Unit) organize a 2 day workshop on Image Restoration, Visualization and Analysis. The workshop will cover the fundamentals of image acquisition, how to avoid imaging pitfalls, the restoration of various microscopy modalities including light-sheet, the visualization and analysis of 5D data, the Huygens Remote Manager (HRM), and much more.

A complete program of the workshop can be found at the Microscopy Network Basel. To register please fill out this form. For more information, please contact Dr. Aaron Ponti.